What do you think is the key to success in the burgeoning field of binary options trading? Experience? Luck? Daring? Well, the answer is probably more prosaic than any of these. Find yourself the best binary options broker, and you’re already off to a good start! Since there are so many brokers and online trading platforms, it may seem like a daunting task to separate the sheep from the goats, but specialist websites such as binaryoptionlive.com have a handy ranking system that lets you see which trading sites are the most popular. Whether you’re looking for the best binary options platforms, advice on how to start trading or any other information on the ins and outs of binary trading, binary options traders’ forums are a mine of helpful tips on trading strategies, avoiding beginners’ pitfalls and more.  You can get together with other traders to discuss the latest market news and debate trading tactics with more experienced hands. Forex binary options are one type of trade that new traders may be less familiar with. Some traders specialize in one currency, like the Yen, the US Dollar or the British pound sterling. Others prefer to stick with stocks and various commodities.